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Application Instructions for NutraFix 1-4-1

NutraFix 1-4-1 is a granular fertilizer product comprised of micro- and macro-nutrients. This product emphasizes micronutrient fertility and is used to improve soil health to promote the growth of desirable perennial vegetation.



Apply the granular fertilizer product evenly at a rate of 85 to 350 lbs./acre to degraded perennial grasslands. This product is not recommended for soil with poor nutrient retention (e.g. sand or low organic matter). Typically, one application will provide lasting soil improvement for several years, but subsequent applications may be needed depending on the nutrient status of the site. Fertilizer results take time because precipitation is needed to dissolve it and make the nutrients available to plants. Small test plots are recommended for large sites to calibrate optimal application rates. Injury may result to sensitive plants by over application.


What Rate to Apply and When?

Apply at low rates of 85-150 pounds per acre to improve plant diversity and seed germination on slightly degraded sites. Apply at moderate rates of 150-250 pounds per acre for modestly degraded sites with increasing occurrence of bare ground and invasive plants. Apply at higher rates of 250-350 pounds per acre for severely degraded sites with limited desirable perennial species. Seeding may be done concurrently with product application. Optimum times for application are late summer through early spring prior to periods of active plant growth.  


How to Apply?

The product is applied like any granular fertilizer but depending on the size of your area and/or terrain different tools may be more appropriate. For small areas, an over the shoulder fertilizer spreader (with crank handle) or push spreader (if level ground) could be used. Mid-sized areas may be addressed with an ATV/UTV with a receiver hitch flail spreader. For large areas a pull-behind spreader with a pick-up truck or tractor. Larger fertilizer spreading implements may be rented from a nearby rental equipment company or a fertilizer distributor. Contractors for fertilizer spreading with ground- or aerial-application equipment may be available in your area.


Apply product at one-half the target rate in two perpendicular passes using a calibrated spreader to ensure even coverage.​​​​​​

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